Current Exhibition FLUXface in Space! 127 artists from 26 countries Gary A. Bibb in collaboration with Cecil Touchon have conceived an exciting new exhibition project for the Fluxmuseum. Using the Face In Space Program from NASA - we have organized a "Fluxface in Space" exhibition to be launched into orbit on the last two Space Shuttles! These final missions will include a rendezvous with the International Space Station. The call was put out in June 2010 with the deadline for participation as August 1, 2010 see the blog and online catalog at the links below... wix.com/fluxfaceinspace/ fluxfaceinspace.blogspot.com Currently we are arranging exhibitions near or around the Kennedy Space center in Florida and in Ireland. More venues sought. __________
The Fluxmuseum is a wing of a larger project; The Ontological Museum which was started in the late 1990s. When Cecil Touchon joined the Fluxlist there was an immediate recognition of similarity of spirit between Post-Dogmatism and Fluxus which has led to the founding of the Fluxmuseum. |
We are redesigning the website
at the moment.
Catalog for Fluxhibition #3 Thinking inside of the Box now available! FLUXmUSeum was founded by Cecil Touchon in 2006 with the intention of documenting 21st century fluxus artists. The Fluxmuseum is dedicated to the collection, performance, production, publishing, promotion, exhibition, documentation and safekeeping of works of the FluxNexus and its members. The Fluxmuseum is an inclusive venture inviting any artist who feels a connection to fluxus to participate in museum projects and to contribute works to the collection. approved by: